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Newborn Lifestyle Session

Hellllooo Monday! It's already been a crazy week. One of the good things about Mondays is when I've done a photo session on the weekend and I have some amazing pictures to share.

One of the most rewarding things as a photographer is when you have a recurring family, you get to see the kiddos grow up and new ones be born. Welcome to the world little Ezra Clay! I love shooting newborn sessions, and this little guy was no exception. Chill. Relaxed. Happy to be alive.

Newborns are so tiny and helpless and innocent. They have no pretenses. It is what it is. I think that's why I enjoy the most about being invited into someone's home to do a lifestyle photography shoot like this. Photography is an art and can be manipulated into beautiful images but it also can be used to take real life and capture that moment for a lifetime.


I read this quote the other day, "A baby makes love stronger, the days shorter, the nights longer, savings smaller, and a home happier." This little one I'm sure has done this already. The joy of these parents, shining through exhausted eyes, was a joy for me to capture.

That's joy right there y'all!!


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